Here is an update on President Napolitano’s engagement on the White House’s decision to end the DACA program. In addition to the public statement and message to the UC community that President Napolitano issued this morning, emphasizing her strong objection to this decision and UC’s commitment to protecting and supporting UC’s DACA and other undocumented students and members of the community, UC has also transmitted two letters to members of Congress:
- The first letter from President Napolitano to Congressional leadership calls for Congress “to immediately take up and pass bi-partisan legislation that will protect our nation’s Dreamers and provide them with the opportunity to continue to live, work and contribute to the only country they have ever known.”
- The second letter from California education leaders (UC, CCC, CSU, AICCU, and the California Department of Education) urges “the United States Congress to immediately enact the bipartisan legislation that will protect our nation’s Dreamers which would provide long-term security for Dreamers to continue to live and contribute to their local communities and, following a rigorous process, be eligible to apply for American citizenship.”
President Napolitano's statement and these two letters can be shared here.